Eva Sweeney
Cripping Up Sex with Eva
Eva is a queer sex educator who has cerebral palsy, is nonverbal, and uses a wheelchair and letter board. runs the educational site Cripping Up Sex with Eva, explains, “Many able-bodied people want us to be complacent and ‘easy to take care [of].’ But when you own your sexuality, you are more likely to own other areas of your life as well. So that’s a big reason why I think the topic of sex and disability has been taboo.”
When I was a teenager and just coming out and also just becoming sexually active, I looked for information about being disabled and having sex, and found no good resources. So with the help of a friend I created a small guide titled, Queers on Wheels. It discussed how to deal with dating when you need assistance with everyday things, choosing and adapting sex toys, and hiring and maintaining aides who respect all of who you are. I then toured the U.S. giving workshops on these topics. Now I don’t have the energy to really tour, but I still write about it for magazines and blogs. There is way more awareness now, too, so it is fun to collaborate with other folks doing similar work!
That it weeds non-genuine people out of my life (for the most part). Because my disability is so “severe” and I communicate in a different way, people have to take the time to get to know me. Without my disability, I might have more casual friends and acquaintances, but instead I have really good close friends who get me.
Sex Educator with Cerebral Palsey
“It is important to focus on inclusion of all people because everyone has the potential to contribute to society.”